Monday, 29 September 2014

***REVIEW*** 'Under Contract' (the GEG series book 1) by Jacqueline Ayres.


'Under Contract'
(The GEG series book 1)
By Jacqueline Ayres

This may be the hardest review I have had to write in a while!
Where to start...

As always this will be a spoiler free review.

I love Jacqueline's writing style, this story has an amazing fun feel to it, despite some difficult topics.

When faced with a very difficult situation Charlotte (Charley) puts on her big girl panties for the sake of her children and their future stability.
I truly admire her for the courage taken to follow through with her decision. 

It has been said of Charley, "you've got a pair on you, don't you?!" To which she replied "and a spare set for backup, just in case."
She certainly is a ballsy lady, and so amazing to keep going no matter what obstacles come her way.
She is surrounded by such a loving group of family & close friends.
Her father aptly named 'Happy' is such an amazing man, always head of the 'Charley fan club'.
Her sister Cici is crazy, the woman was born with no filter & god love her for it, I can't wait for her book!

Mitchell (Mitch) has been hiding from a tragic past, barely living, putting everything he has into his successful business. Only taking time out for his grandmother (Gram) who he is very close to. She may be old & deaf but boy can she be LOUD when she needs to be, she definitely lost her filter a long time ago.

His only 'friend' is his employee/right hand man Kyle, a man of few words but what he does say sure can pack a punch.

Each character is uniquely funny but together they have this playful, sarcastic banter that can lighten any situation, they are HILARIOUS!

I "wan'smore"

Did I mention I was on a very packed train while reading this?  Yeah I was the crazy lady giggling  at her kindle but it was so worth the stares.

Thank you to Jacqueline, Wendy & Claire at Bare Naked Words for this opportunity.

Buy Links:

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The author is responsible for this giveaway.

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